Privacy Policy

The BAIC team is committed to protecting the privacy of everyone associated with us and takes every measure to keep their information confidential. We value your trust in us when you visit our website or use any of our services and strive to maintain the privacy of your personal information. We understand the importance of your privacy and have provided this privacy notice to explain the information we collect, how we use it and what rights you have in relation to it. Urge to read it carefully. If you disagree with any part of this notice, please immediately stop using our Services.

Please note the following information:

for use:

When you make an online or telephone inquiry about our company, goods or services, we will use your personal information to respond to your enquiry. If you have registered for or inquired about any of our services, we will also use your personal information for sales and administrative purposes. If your professional personal information is relevant to our services and is publicly accessible through sources such as a website, listing directory, press release, industry publication or social media related to your work or profession, we may also use it. Are. When you send us an enquiry, we will collect information such as your name, country, job title, company information, educational affiliation, postal address, email address and telephone number. We will use this information to respond to your inquiries or to provide our services.

During the event:

If you are a speaker, sponsor, exhibitor or attendee at one of our events, we may use your data to evaluate your qualifications, advertise events and encourage greater participation. At our events, photos and videos may be taken in which you participate as a participant, sponsor or exhibitor. We may use these images and videos for promotional purposes to the extent permitted by applicable data protection laws.

We may use your personal information to identify you at specific access points, such as VIP areas, seminars, entry and exit, and other areas of the event where badge scanning technology is used. This will reveal specific geographic data. Personal data collected through badge scanning will be used for security, access control, and traffic analytics to improve the event experience for attendees and other users.

Your contact information will be shared with the appropriate vendor at that time and any additional notices or consents you provide at the Event will be governed by applicable data protection laws and the Exhibitor’s privacy policy.
Let’s say we host and manage a virtual exhibition or event. In that case, we will use the personal information you provided during registration to host and manage the event, as well as analyze visitor interactions and traffic to improve the event experience for visitors and give you a customized experience do. When you join a virtual area, zone, or room, such as an exhibit booth, your personal information may be shared with sponsors and exhibitors to allow them to connect with you during the registration and login process. Subject to the Affiliate Privacy Notice you receive during. ,


Our marketing team may use your personal information to send you newsletters, offers or other marketing emails to keep you informed about our news, events and potentially useful items. You may have voluntarily consented to receive marketing from us, or we may rely on your implicit permission or legitimate interests, depending on the details of your engagement with us and relevant data protection law. You will always have the option to opt out of receiving future marketing materials, and you will have the freedom to change your marketing preferences whenever you wish. To change your preferences, contact us.


Like any other website, BAIC and its events websites use ‘cookies’ to store information such as visitors’ preferences and the pages they visited or visited. This information is used to optimize the user experience by customizing our web page content based on visitors’ browser type and other information.


By using our website, you consent to our Privacy Policy and agree to its Terms and Conditions. Please note the following information: